Sian Berry Selected for Green London Mayor Candidate


Sian Berry has been confirmed as the Green Party’s candidate to run for Mayor of London. She will be standing alongside a strong and diverse team of people ready to represent Londoners on the Assembly and cement our status as London’s third party in the 2020 elections.

You can donate to our Mayoral and Assembly election campaign here.



Following the announcement Sian said

“Greens are well known for our good ideas. We look at the challenges of today, and tomorrow, and we find the right, and the fair, solutions. And on the national stage too – from the four day week, to the Green New Deal, where Greens lead, others follow.”

Sian and her fellow Green Assembly member Caroline Russell have recently won ballots for Londoners on estates whose homes face demolition, secured £45 million in funding for youth services after exposing the extent of the cuts across the city and persuaded the current Mayor to support a People’s Vote on Brexit in spite of his party’s dithering over the issue.

Other impressive Green gains on the London Assembly are forcing emergency plans for climate change and campaigning for rent control powers.

Sian outlined her commitment to put real power in the hands of Londoners to find the right places for new homes and plan for the housing needed by giving Londoners control over more land across the city with a People’s Land Bank. Sian noted,

“The solution to our housing crisis isn’t just about bricks and mortar. It’s about giving people the power to plan what happens to their city and making sure houses are built to be homes, not speculative financial assets for the rich. Our People’s Land Bank will bring communities together and put community organising at the heart of solving the housing crisis. From the housing crisis to the climate crisis, only Greens have the answers to the most pressing problems facing our city today.”

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